The Sovereign Artist

“The Sovereign Artist”

Today is a special day.  Today is my 13th Wedding Anniversary – 13 unbelievable years married to one unbelievable lady.  Tina, thank you for your devotion, your ministry to others and to me, and for not giving up on me (though, I’m sure at times you’ve wanted to : )

In fact, when I think back on all that God has brought us through in our marriage so far, and when I stare in amazement at the absolutely brilliant way He’s orchestrated all the experiences of my marriage and life (the good and the bad), I’m reminded all over again about one important aspect of God’s character – His Sovereignty.   He’s more than a masterful designer, He’s an uncompromising artist.

When we say “God is Sovereign”, it tends to sound overly theological, or emotionally disconnected and churchy.   We say things like “don’t worry, brother, I know it’s hard right now but God is sovereign”.  I’m certainly guilty of saying things like that without really knowing what I’m saying (and maybe even really caring how it affects the person I’m saying it to).  Just WHAT does that mean –  that God is Sovereign?

At the very least it means “God is in control”…. “of EVERYTHING”.  But it’s more than that.  It’s not like God is some wizard-of-Oz-type-character, pulling switches and pushing buttons in a robotic manner, keeping everything “going”.  He’s also not the god of agnostic deism who simply starts the ball rolling, so to speak, and then stands back uncaring and disinterested in what comes of His Creation.

Scripture seems to indicate God is an Artist.  The difference to me between cold, mathematical engineering and intricate, masterful artistry boils down to one thing….heart.  Nothing God does is disconnected from the burning passion and perfect emotion that characterizes Him.  He is both unimaginably holy, and mind-bewilderingly loving.

God is an Artist.  Think about it – in Genesis (first book of the Hebrew Scriptures), God creates everything, and then says what?    “Hey, it works!” ….no, I don’t think so.   “It’s Biologically Self-Sustaining!”.   No.  He says “It is GOOD”.  That’s so much more than admiring how well something works – that’s an admiration of its inherent artistic beauty.

Now here’s the crazy part.   Did you know that God looks at your life as a masterpiece – or at least as a masterpiece in the making?  That’s not to say we don’t have the capacity or will to tear up the canvas of our lives or to stubbornly refuse to allow God to craft us as He desires.  We can certainly do that.
But look at what the apostle Paul says in his letter to the Christ-followers in Ephesus:

God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. For we are God’s masterpiece (“workmanship”). He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
(Ephesians 2:8-10 / New Living Translation)

Other Scriptures talk about how you are a work conceived in the mind and heart of God before a single word of Creation was ever spoken.  Now that’s crazy!  There isn’t a moment or decision in your life that ever catches God by surprise.  God even uses our failures and sufferings to transform us into the masterpieces He envisions.  When you think everything is out of control?  God isn’t.  When you think there’s no possible way you can be redeemed, forgiven, or restored?  God does it.  He’s faithful, and He’s sovereign.

God desires to use you to demonstrate His incredible artistry.  God desires to propel you towards supernatural and life-transforming relationship with Him – the kind that leads to those “good things he planned for us long ago” – Good works, supernatural exploits in Jesus’ name.  It all starts by believing in Him – Jesus Christ, and choosing to surrender to His leadership for your life.  He desires to make your life a painting of His grace and restoration, but you must first turn from selfish living, and put your trust in His Hand to paint the strokes.  It isn’t easy, I won’t lie, but it’s far more beautiful than anything you can possibly dream.

Is God Sovereign?  Absolutely.  Trust in Christ and follow Him – and you will see an Artist at work like you wouldn’t believe.

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