9/11 – a sobering day

There’s certainly much I can say, but maybe a moment of silence is best.  A moment to remember how frail life is, how big God is despite the chaos of this world, and how without the love of Christ everything crumbles.  I invite you to consider these things today.

AND, let me refer you to a mentor/pastor of mine, James Emery White, and a great blog series on what 9/11 has done to us.  You can see his messages live at:  http://icampus.mecklenburg.org .   You can read his blog at:  http://churchandculture.org .

Gone Fishin'….

It would seem drummerrev dropped off the face of the earth, or at the least went on a very long fishin’ trip. In fact, over the last several months I’ve been going through a LOT of life transition. Good changes, and challenging changes, but changes nonetheless, and as changes tend to go… they are all-consuming.
I hope to “pick up the pen again”, so to speak, and start blogging again soon. Until then, may your life be filled with God, groove, and grace beyond measure.